Tag Archives: dance

Metaphors embodied

Last evening I went to the “Susurrus” performance at the uW School of Architecture. Professor Sarah Tolmie, Medievalist, poet and novelist is also part of a contact dance troupe. They put on a performance structured around Architecture Professor Philip Beesley’s amazing installation, Hylozoic Ground. Please take a moment to look at the installation. There are lots of photographs here under “Gallery”: it’s so complex and beautiful. So ethereal and yet so very material. It moves, it morphs, it shines and it shadows. Anyway, we gathered at the Riverside Gallery to view parts of the installation, and then the dancers took us upstairs where they performed a series of dances that interpreted aspects of Hylozoic  Ground.

What really struck me was how the installation itself is in metaphors (and the artist/architect himself speaks in metaphors). What the dancers did was embody those metaphors. And it was quite remarkable to watch it. Here are a couple of shots featuring Prof. Tolmie.